Tax Report Set-Up

Taxes Paid

Input information on the Taxes Paid tab to keep track of tax payments made.

  • Note – For couples who are married and filing joint returns, you should input tax information on the couple entity, not the individual spouse entities

To add a new tax payment, click ‘Add New,’ input the year and types of tax payments made, and click ‘Save.’ Information on taxes paid will appear in a graph comparing taxes paid each year, and in an editable table below the graphic. To edit a particular year’s Taxes Paid information, click on the relevant year in the table and update information as appropriate.

  • Note: Adding a new duplicate year will not override prior information.  It will add an additional line to the table for the same year. The graph will sum all amounts entered for a particular year.

Tax Carry-forwards

To add new information on a particular tax carry-forward item, navigate to the Tax Carry-forwards tab and click ‘Add New.’

Input the year, amount and type of carry-forward and click ‘Save.’

Information on tax carry-forwards will show up in a graphic comparing carry-forward information over the years, and in an editable table below the graphic. To edit a particular year’s carry-forward information, you must edit the information in the table. 

  • Note: Adding a new duplicate year will not override prior information.  It will add an additional line to the table for the same year. The graph will sum all amounts entered for a particular year.

Year-to-Date Income

To track year-to-date income for people and non-person entities, navigate to the Year-To-Date tab within the Tax dashboard and click ‘Add New.’

Input relevant information on tax year-to-date taxable income, including the date through which the information is relevant, and click ‘save.’

Information on tax carry-forwards will show up in a graphic and an editable table. To edit a particular year’s carry-forward information, you must edit the information in the table. 

  • Note: Adding a new duplicate date will not override prior information.  It will add an additional line to the table for the same date. The graph will sum all amounts entered for a particular year.
  • Note: In future releases, you will have the ability to upload a CSV file with information, or have information imported as a part of the asset import/updating process from Salesforce / Addepar.

Income & Tax Rates

Aristotle allows you to keep track of a person or non-person entity’s adjusted gross income, taxable income, effective tax rate and alternative minimum tax rate from year to year.

Navigate to the Income & Tax Rates tab from within the Tax dashboard, and click ‘Add New.’ Input the year and tax information that you would like to keep track of, then click ‘Save.’

Information on income and tax rates will show up in a graphic that compares those metrics over the years, and in an editable table below the graphic. To edit a particular year’s information, you must edit the information in the table. 

  • Note: Adding a new duplicate year will not override prior information.  It will add an additional line to the table for the same year. The graph will sum all amounts entered for a particular year.
Updated on November 11, 2020

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