Assets and Liabilities

Import Assets and Liabilities from Salesforce

Follow instructions on importing assets and liabilities from Salesforce.

Manually adding and editing assets and liabilities

You can choose the non-person entity that the new asset or liability is related to in several ways

  • By using the search function
  • From the Associated Entities list on the Household Dashboard
  • From the Entities List located in the Lists drop-down available in the upper right hand corner of any page
  • From a family member’s dashboard

If the asset or liability has multiple associations, choose any one of them to start. 

Navigate to the non-person entity’s Net Worth Dashboard, click ‘Edit Assets and Liabilities’ and ‘Add New.’  Add the name of the asset or liability, the appropriate class (i.e. asset or liability), and click ‘save.’

For assets or liabilities imported from Salesforce, the name of the asset or liability, the associated non-person entity and the current value will be imported as well.  

You will need to choose a category and type for each asset and liability, and can update values and owners as needed

  • Categories
    • Liquid – Liquid investment assets
    • Illiquid – Highly illiquid investment assets such as investment real estate, private equity, etc.
    • Use – Non-investment assets used by the family such as homes, personal property, etc.
  • Available Asset Types
    • Managed Investments
    • Self Managed Investments 
    • Real Estate 
    • Private Debt 
    • Private Equity 
    • Personal Property 
    • Secured loan 
    • Unsecured loan 
    • Annuity Receivable 
    • Life insurance 
    • Estimated Taxes Paid 
    • Other
  • Available Liability Types
    • Margin 
    • Mortgage / Home Equity 
    • Private Debt 
    • Remaining Capital Commitment 
    • Estimated Taxes Planned 
    • Secured loan 
    • Unsecured loan 
    • Annuity Payable 
    • Other
  • Asset Value & History – Add or update the value of the asset or liability, as well as the ‘as of’ date related to that value
  • Owners – This will default to showing the asset / liability being 100% owned by the associated non-person entity, but you can add additional owners here if appropriate
Updated on November 11, 2020

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