Creating Tasks

Tasks may be created from several locations:

  • Household dashboard
  • Household member dashboard
  • Non-person entity dashboard
  • Lists –> Task List Drop Down

To create a new task, click ‘add’ or ‘add new’ depending on the page on which you are starting, add a name for the task and choose the associated entity.  If you are starting the task from within a person or nonperson entity dashboard, the associated entity field will be prefilled, but you can alter it if needed.

Once the task has been created, you can add relevant details:

  • Purpose and Description – Tasks can be either setup tasks or insights.
  • Detailed Report / Links To – This determines where the task shows up within various dashboards.  Choose the option most relevant for the particular task.
  • Assigned User
  • Due Date
  • Priority
  • Outcome 

When you are finished adding details to the task, click Save, and the task should now show up in the task list for the relevant person/entity, as well as on the Household Dashboard task list. If you do not see a task that you are expecting to see, make sure to check any view filters that may be turned on.

Updated on October 25, 2020

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