Verify Salesforce information

Start by reviewing the relationship / household structure for People Contacts. Verify that all relevant individuals are listed as part of the household. If anyone is missing, you should:

  • Find the individuals in Salesforce and connect them to the relationship / household, or
  • Add individuals not in Salesforce and connect them to the relationship / household

Next, review each household’s financial accounts (under Related tab). Verify that all financial accounts are listed. If an account is missing, you should

  • Find any missing financial accounts in Salesforce and connect them to the relationship / household, or
  • Add financial accounts not in Saleforce and connect them to the relationship / household (Salesforce Financial Holdings and Addepar)

Finally, review the Financial Holdings within each Financial Account (under Related tab). Verify that all financial holdings are listed, and for those that are missing

  • Find and connect missing financial holdings in Salesforce to the correct Financial Account, or
  • Add financial holdings that are not in Salesforce, and connect them to the appropriate Financial Account in Saleforce and Addepar
Updated on November 11, 2020

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